Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week 8

I didn't sew much this week, but did start the block of the month stitchery project at . Mine is not yet finished, so I have not pressed it. I still have leaves to add to the willow tree and then decide if I want to change anything.

I have not done this type of embroidery in years and learned the hard way that back stitch doesn't mean stem stitch like I was taught as a child. Back stitching was easier for me and much faster to do then the stem stitch.

I am claiming 1 yard of fabric used this week, but I only used about 4 1/2" x 7 1/2" this week. I have several stitchery projects I want to try on this background fabric.

Fabric used this week: 1 yards
Fabric bought this week: 0 yard

Fabric used this YTD 23 5/8yards
Fabric bought YTD 1 yard

Stash busted YTD 22 5/8 yards

Still having fun,