I have not posted since my birthday, but with very good reason for my lack of publishing. Shortly after my birthday Bill and I left for a vacation in Wisconsin. We had many people ask us WHY are you going north in March. The main reason was our 10 year old grandson was to be on vacation from school also. The other reason was we had not been back to my husband's home state since last summer. So for more then a week we were not near a computer.
We stayed at a Condo in Wisconsin Dells. This way we didn't bother anyone else and could have our grandson visit with us. We went out to eat a few times, but we had also brought food with us so we didn't have to leave the Condo if we didn't want to leave. Some people like going out to eat on vacations, but I don't mind cooking. We also did some pre-preparations so most of the time the cooking was easy. On Friday of our visit two of Bill's sisters, a brother-in=law neice and son were visiting for most of the day. We had a great time visiting, eating and playing cards. This was also Bill's son's birthday, but we didn't celebrate it until the next day.
The Saturday party included Bill's son, his wife and son, a nephew and his girlfriend, Bill and myself. Again this included a meal, card playing and lots of chatter. We had a great time and actually celebrated Bill's son and nephew's 34 th birthdays.
Upon arriving home early early in the morning Monday we checked the computer for messages and to actually find out the time. (The electric had been out while we were gone). I managed to get the computer to boot up once, then it froze up and would reboot. Monday a neighbor told us that most likely the power source in our tower was shot. I called around trying to find the part, but everyone wanted to fix the computer, not just sell the part. I finally found one that was larger then we needed, but available to buy. This is how computer dependant our society is today. Every store or computer place I called said to me after I told them I could not boot up my computer and the part I was looking for......."You could go ON-LINE to buy the part" My response to them was "If I could get ON-LINE I would not be calling you looking for the part." Then I immediately hung up. Monday evening we had bad electrical storms, so I didn't want to work on the computer. After the storms calmed down I shakenly installed the new power source. Working on our computer is something I do, but am always worried about it working correctly after I am done. With lots of prayer I finished the installation and plugged everything back in and turned on the computer. I was so thankful to see the screen light up and the disk turning, lights flashing etc. Our computer works again!!!!!!!
The rest of the week was spent at Patti's getting things ready to take her store to the Quilt Festival (I think that is the name) in Chicago. The show is actually in Rosemont west of the city, but close enough to be considered Chicago to those who don't know. Patti and I are leaving Monday. We plan to stay south of the city Monday night and go to the show location Tuesday mid morning. Then the work begins. We have a trailer full of store stuff that will need to be unloaded, unpacked and the booth looking attractive by Wednesday evening. I hope to see many people I know, as I used to live just across the Indiana border from Chicago. I know I might not recognize former friends and relatives, but maybe I will.
Must get going. Dinner is calling.