Today is our first day home from a quick trip to the Talladega NASCAR race that were held over the weekend. We were with many relatives during the trip and we had lots of fun. I did not go to the two races. I stayed with Bill's Nephew Bryon, his wife Leann and Great Nephew Bradley. We chatted and watched TV including the races. Bill stayed home from the race on Saturday so Bradley could attend. Bradley was happy, because his favorite driver Tony Stewart won.
Bill's son, JR and grandson Devin and another nephew Eric and his girlfriend Melisa were in Alabama for the races also. It is fun for all of us to get together once or twice a year. Sunday I was fortunate to see Bill's great niece Cassie and her two little ones. The came back for a few minutes on Monday prior to us leaving so everyone could see Cassie, Cheyenne and Calley.
Today JR and Devin left here for their home in WI and Bill and I went to town so we could have a little "Our" time together. While we were in town we found a new kitten. He has not received a name yet, but I think by the picture you can see that Bill and him are going to be best buddies. I told Bill he can not name the new kitten Buddy, because we had a cat in the past named Buddy.
I think we will need to put a bell on the kitten. Bill woke up enough to put the kitten in the kitty bed. I saw it sleeping there, but now it is gone. It may be under the quilt again with Bill, but I don't know. Hopefully Bill will realize the kitten is there, if it is there, when I wake him up for dinner. I will post later.
Peggy........worried about the safety of the new kitten!