Every move was planned before we left home and all went well. The weather was so nice with the cooler temperatures and lower humidity. Spring flowers were just blooming and the farmer's crops were either just being planet or had just started to green up the ground with their glory. The winter wheat was still growing and a vivid green.
We spent the first night near Bill's home town so we could go to the bakery in Bloomington, WI early to see friends and relatives before they started their work day. I love the bread at the bakery, so I had some wheat toast with my breakfast and also bought two loafs to take with us.
Our adventure really started after we left Bloomington early in the afternoon. We first took the River Road on the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi north to LaCrosse WI. Then we crossed the Mississippi into Minnesota and continued following the river on the opposite side. Late in the afternoon we stopped in Wabasha, MN. This is the town that the movie "Grumpy Old Men" was based. We were disappointed to find out that the movie was not filmed there, but just based on some of the activities, people and places in the area. I wish we had more time to spend in the area, but we had to move on.
Our destination that night was Hugo, MN where we stayed with friends. We really just enjoyed each other's company due to the fact that Mark had only been out of the hospital a few weeks after having bypass surgery. Debby and Mark's home was so comfortable and the cats welcomed us to the point of one sleeping with Bill and I the second night. We sat out on the patio and enjoyed the lovely weather. Bill and I were both amazed at how late in the evening the sun was still shining and how early the sun was peaking through our window in the morning.
When we left MN we headed back to WI. We met Bill's son at a restaurant in Sauk City. He had an appointment there later in the day. Then we went on to DeForest to watch grandson Devin's baseball game. Devin is 11, so the ball skills are really starting to delevop enough in the kids to make the games exciting to watch.
As soon as Devin's game was over we headed to our destination for the evening. We were spending a couple of night's at Bill's nephew Eric and his girlfriend Melisa's
home. This was arranged so we could see Bill's sister Phyllis, niece Kelly, niece Jody and Bill's God Son Mitchell. Bill's son also joined us for the day, so we talked....talked...laughed and just enjoyed each other's company.
Now for what I call the rest of the story.
We did manage to go to the Farmer's Market on the Square in downtown Madison WI. We didn't buy much, only things we can not grow or get in KY. Two bundles of fresh Rhubarb, a pound of Asparagus and some cheese.
We spent the rest of Saturday with JR and family. Devin spent the night with us in the motel and he went to the indoor swimming pool twice. He wanted to stay there longer in the pool, but I knew we needed to meet his parents early in the morning so we could have breakfast together and Bill and I could be on our way home.
Bill and I took turns driving home. Actually Bill did most of the driving and I slept. I did drive a few hours while Bill took a nap. We sure hated to leave WI. I have one more item to tell you about, but that will be in my post Sunday.