Thursday, April 17, 2008

Parting of Ways

Things change in life daily, but sometimes changes are dramatic. For instance births, deaths, marriages, new jobs or having to leave a job. No matter what the dramatic change is in one's life each of us need to look at the good that comes from that change. The good in my most recent change in life allows me time to help my family with the out door work.

Most recently I parted from a job that I truly enjoyed. I was a two way parting. By that I mean I needed to not do part of the job so the gal I was working for decided she no longer needed my help on the other part of the job. So I call this a mutual departure. I am not mad or even sad about no longer having this job. What does sadden me is I am not sure the person I worked for understands that the stress she was dealing with (not directly related to the job we were doing) at the time of the departure was the cause of the departure. Sometimes we need to delay projects, ideas or plans to be able to do one job well before starting another job.

I work under the rule that when one door closes another one opens. Sometimes people need to look a bit to find that open door but doors are open for each and every one of us. For me a door opened last night. It is not a big, long term project, but I have a small job. I also have a pattern and quilt to make for Quilting Treasures in the next week or so and a baby quilt to finish. My step son and grandson will be visiting next week and we are all going on a trip to Talladega to go to the NASCAR races.

The weather has changed so the past couple of days we have been working outside planting the garden. I think we will finish with the most of the seed planting tomorrow and will wait a week or two until we plant the tomatoes and peppers. The local co-ops have not received their bare root cabbage plants, so we may not plant them this year. We have a few cabbage plants, but not as many as my Dad thinks we need.

Today is Bill's Birthday. We went out to eat lunch and since Bill usually doesn't eat desert Pam, the waitress, put his birthday candle on his hamburger. I thought it was so funny to see the candle right there in the hamburger meat.

Tonight I need to open my EQ6 Quilt Design Program and check the design I have drawn for the Quilting Treasures project. It includes a setting sun, but that is all I am going to tell you until I can post a link to the fabric and pattern.

So don't forget to value all your experiences and always look for the good in situation instead of dwelling on the bad.