Last night I wrote about my thoughts and leanings towards creating a folk art block. I went to pull some fabric and a project container caught my eye. It had folk art project in it that I had worked on while taking trips with my parents to FL many years ago. It is a baby quilt with I think 12 applique blocks by Little Quilts. I was turning under the edges of the applique and basted it to the background, then did a buttonhole stitch by hand in black to hold the applique in place I have several block finished, so that project is again my take along work.
I took it with me today and work on it while Bill had his stress test on his heart. I was able to baste 4 stars and was ready to add the circles to the center of each star when I discovered that the circle templates were missing. It didn't matter, because Bill arrived and I had to stop working.
Tonight I started the mystery offer on the Electric Quilt web site. It at this point is just going to be a practice project on the computer to learn more about the program. If I like the results I may someday actually make the quilt, but I don't need to start one right now.
block to block. The pattern would have curves and diagonals that would keep the eye jumping, but that is not what the mystery writer had in mind.
I also learned how to place blocks in a black and white coloring instead of the using the colors in the block library. This made it easier to visualize ways to change the color in the block and the way blocks work with the block next door.
I did several things on this block I would not normally do. for one thing the coloring is not symmetrical, but I did try to do some balancing. Also I would not have thought to use this type of border without a break from the center block. I really like the look of the lower section. I think if I actually make the quilt I will need to add a little blueish purple to the let hand side outer edge. The next clue may actually take care of that problem, so I will not change anything right now.
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